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A Week Of Free IT Advice For SME’s – Day 1

Lyndsay Fielding


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Here at Everything Tech we consider ourselves experts in providing the right support to SME’s. We can call ourselves experts as we’ve been doing it for years! Understanding how SME’s work and what’s the most commercial solutions for them is what we have built our business on. As we all know IT and the internet is now a commodity to a business rather than a nice to have. So we have gathered our team of “Geeks and Geeketts” and come up with the five essentials all SME’s should have!

Get the Basics Right – Get Decent Kit

We discover that so many of the customers we take on have outdated desktops and laptops and this impacts massively on the businesses productivity! Isn’t it strange that if your staff were late by 20 minutes each day you would address the issue and possibly dismiss them. We are gobsmacked to discover that SME’s don’t address a 20 down time each day due to old kit which takes ages to boot up. Over a year this loss to an SME is huge and as it’s not a visual issue you can’t address it. New computers are not expensive and over a 3 year period will wash through the cost in increased productivity. We are experts in advising SME’s on commercial and suitable kit so drop us a line: [email protected]

EverythingTech offer Disaster Recovery, IT Services and Support in Manchester.

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