IT Consultancy Services

The world of work has changed, is changing, and will continue to do so over the coming years. It is striving to meet the demands of a workforce that is more empowered than ever. For businesses, this means that they need to fundamentally restructure the way they operate. They must harness digital technologies today so that they are prepared for the ‘digital transformation’.

Say hi!

It’s essential that a business, regardless of industry, achieves Digital Transformation. We can help you increase the role of technology in your business and use a forward-thinking approach. From idea to implementation, combined with a portfolio of solutions, Everything Tech will ensure that you benefit from digital innovation.

As well as a comprehensive digital strategy, we can also help with all other facets of IT support.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is a term that refers to the fundamental ways that a business operates. It also looks at how they use technology and create more customer-centric experiences. This need for transformation has materialised because of the changing ways that consumers shop, and employees work.

In short, it’s about integrating technology into every area of your business. Be that to communicate, collaborate, work more flexibly, or a combination of the three. All to help create greater employee experiences.

The world of work was already on a path to change forever. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has since accelerated this and arguably ended the traditional 9-5 routine permanently.

For businesses, this means they need to transform, at scale, so that they can meet this demand. Meeting employees’ needs and ensuring that business goals aren’t affected by tech adoption is a tricky tightrope to walk, however.

While the positives may seem apparent and obvious, implementing them can seem daunting. This fear leads many, in a range of industries, to avoid the topic altogether.

Unfortunately, businesses don’t have much of a choice.

They must start developing a digital transformation programme now. If they don’t, the consequences of being surpassed by competitors are serious and real. In a world that is hyper-connected, a pragmatic digital technology strategy must be put in place.

While daunting, in fact, an effective digital technology strategy is entirely positive. It can help create a new virtual environment that gives employees a chance to work in new ways.

The Cloud

These new ways can be adapted around their lifestyles, un-tap new levels of productivity, and offer new employee experiences.

Other benefits include:

How Our Experienced Team of Consultants Can Help

Our digital transformation services are centred around key performance indicators, as well as your business’s medium to long-term goals. This laser-targeted approach to a digital technology strategy all but guarantees long-term success. Why? Because our bespoke plan is focused on what works for you and your employees.

We’ll use our expertise to implement business solutions that will change the way you operate for years to come.

We know that any big adoption of new technology can bring with it questions and consternation from employees. We eliminate this issue by being collaborative and involving all departments from the moment we start working. This makes our approach bespoke to you. It also means that the people who are going to be using these new systems are part of every decision.

This approach is backed up by our Microsoft Gold Partner status. This status means that our digital transformation consultancy service is run by certified engineers. These engineers know exactly what needs to be done to get the most out of your Office 365 investment. Everything they do will be based on your needs and objectives.

This certification means you don’t have to waste hours of your workday. Instead, we’ll find the best ways to implement Microsoft Viva, Teams and Business Voice, and other Office 365 applications such as SharePoint.

All you need to do is consult with our IT support team. They’ve been there, done it before, and can get everything sorted without any hassle. By leveraging our in-depth sector knowledge and using tried-and-tested models, we can create positive changes. These changes will be felt by your staff, key stakeholders, and your bottom line.

Our Process

The first step in creating a transformation model that can enact positive change is by undergoing a discovery process.

This key part of the journey involves our Office 365-certified experts and the wider IT team at Everything Tech. They collaborate and create solutions based on predefined goals, current technological challenges, and longer-term ambitions.

Upon completion, we’ll have a valid, defined strategy that is understood by everyone in your business. We’ll consult with staff to identify problems that slow productivity, as well as the issues that are affecting the entire company.

Getting to the heart of these issues will help create solutions that fix them. These will not only make daily work life easier, but they also help to promote long-term growth.

Once the physical solutions have been integrated into your business, we move to the next phase. This involves comprehensive IT training and proactive account management.

These two elements ensure that teams feel comfortable using the new equipment, and the changing way they work. It also guarantees that your transformation doesn’t become stale and left behind because of more advanced technology.

Once we put the framework in place, we can bolt on new tools and features to keep systems fresh. And the best part? All this is done on your behalf, leaving you to focus on maximising this new transformation.

Is A Transformation Consulting Agency Right for My Business?

Any business or organisation can purchase applications that will help them with their process. And, in the short term, these applications may provide some light relief.

But, to achieve a long-term transformation, they must leverage the knowledge of professional experts such as Everything Tech. Only then can they enjoy business technologies that are woven into the fabric of their company.

cyber essentials - validation for a whole year

Our experts will offer many benefits, one of which involves suggesting long-term changes and ideas that were deemed impossible. These suggestions widen the scope of what is deemed doable in the medium to long term. Being able to think in these broader terms gives businesses the edge over closed-minded competitors. This thinking could relate to the products they offer, the scale at which they can grow, or the people that they can hire.

By working with us, you can tap into our decades of knowledge, and recent success. The experience we have helping other businesses only makes our process more thorough, and successful.

From automation and Cloud computing to disaster recovery and Cyber Essentials, we can help your organisation improve at a granular level. And the way we do things is smooth which reduces bottlenecks and irritations.

You’ll also be benefiting from an outsider’s perspective and a team that isn’t emotionally connected to your business. This means that the decisions made are only ever based on data and facts.

This kind of consultancy is also sensible from an economic standpoint. For one simple fee, you get access to a high level of manpower. This kind of manpower would cost thousands of pounds to recruit internally, with no guarantee of success.

Our experts will work on your behalf to speed up the entire process. This results in your company benefiting from the transformation sooner than you expected too. You also reduce the economic impact of hiring an entire in-house IT department.

Why Is It Important?

It’s important because everyone else is doing it. The last few years have seen the world undergo the biggest remote working experiment ever, thanks to the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu. This coronavirus outbreak has just accelerated this need for change and forced businesses to act now.

This global event has made it so important, a matter of business survival, for companies to explore this space.

Failure is too big of a risk, and it’s imperative that your transformation goes well the first time around. Therefore, you should work with a transformation consulting agency, such as Everything Tech.


70% of transformations fail due to a lack of enthusiasm and pre-determined goals. Therefore, a successful strategy presents a sure-fire guarantee that you’ll be ahead of the competition. If you can be part of that 30% who do succeed, then long-term growth and client acquisition are almost certain.

Everything you need

Rapid-response times
Seamless digital workspaces
Gold standard security
1-2-1 support
Cutting-edge tools
24/7 helpdesk
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Everything they need

“Everything Tech have provided us with excellent service and project support during an incredible period of growth for TC Group. Our ability to finalise an acquisition on a Friday and have all users, applications, and data available on a Monday has allowed us to integrate our people and deliver on our growth plans over the last 4 years. Everything Tech are the safe pair of hands we need in a fast-paced organisation like TC Group.”

Mark Adams – Head of Partner Services – TC Group

TC Group – Mark Adams

TC Group

I was really impressed with Everything Tech’s consultative approach, their understanding of our requirements and the skills to rapidly deploy an environment that met all our needs.

John Boylan

Litigation Team Leader, Brandsmiths

Industry-leading response

Our lightning-fast response is industry-leading and our stats speak for themselves…


Support calls answered in less than 3 rings


IT support tickets resolved within their SLA


Average customer feedback score

Make sure your IT is everything you need

Our lightning-fast response is industry-leading and you can contact us whichever way suits you!

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