Our Leadership Team

Our extensive experience gives us great confidence that we can help your business reach new heights.

Say hi!

Phil Smith


Mark Allen


Ben Turner

Technical Standards Director

Matthew Whiteley

Technical Director

Chris Haigh

Commercial Director

James Huntington

Cloud & RDS Director

Craig McLauchlan

Finance Director

Danny Mills

Group Sales Director

Everything they need

“Everything Tech have provided us with excellent service and project support during an incredible period of growth for TC Group. Our ability to finalise an acquisition on a Friday and have all users, applications, and data available on a Monday has allowed us to integrate our people and deliver on our growth plans over the last 4 years. Everything Tech are the safe pair of hands we need in a fast-paced organisation like TC Group.”

Mark Adams – Head of Partner Services – TC Group

TC Group – Mark Adams

TC Group

I was really impressed with Everything Tech’s consultative approach, their understanding of our requirements and the skills to rapidly deploy an environment that met all our needs.

John Boylan

Litigation Team Leader, Brandsmiths

Make sure your IT is everything you need

Our lightning-fast response is industry-leading and you can contact us whichever way suits you!

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